Iceland's top luxury destination and one of the wonders of the world needed a new online presence (and a platform for selling tickets and services)



747 Potowski Ave.




Kosmos og Kaos


This was no simple task and an inspiring project to be part of. I held the role of project manager and worked closely with Kosmos & Kaos who delivered design In hindsight this was one of the favorite projects I ever worked on and I think it shows. Nullam tincidunt lorem sed rutrum accumsan. Quisque imperdiet hendrerit felis vel tempus. Morbi non lacus sit amet nisi semper ultrices. Aenean eu sapien sed justo sollicitudin pharetra non eu orci. Nam aliquet cursus dolor vel porttitor. Proin risus purus, aliquet at sollicitudin sit amet, congue non diam. Vestibulum ultrices mollis felis, et volutpat velit.


What we accomplished:



Vefur ársins 2012.



Convey the luxury and atmosphere of this unique destination



Support business goals to introduce online ticket sales and abandoning previous commission based travel agency fees.